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I offer therapeutic integration services for people who have had a psychedelic experience that they wish to process within a supportive helping relationship. Psychedelic experience lead to profound shifts within a person's life, but can be challenging to deconstruct and understand. The lessons of how to apply insights into one's life in order to make changes may be difficult without support and direction. In the interest of holistic healing, integration therapy serves to help guide and reinforce personal, emotional and spiritual insights that may have been part of an individual's journeying.

Please note, this is not active psychedelic psychotherapy nor is this service condoning or advocating for the use of illicit substances. Rather, this is a service for people who have already had an experience and wish to access professional support.

This service incorporates the use of harm reduction principles and practices that encourage individuals to address patterns of behaviour where they may be 'stuck' including looking at unhelpful or unwanted cycles and tendencies and assisting the client to gain greater personal awareness to move into other ways of being in the world.

I have also been involved in psychedelic harm reduction / crisis and peer support efforts in my community through mentoring, training and managing teams of support staff to assist with interventions at music festivals for over ten years.