Tarzie McLean is an experienced therapist dedicated to people who are looking for something a little different than traditional in-office counselling. Tarzie can help you work through general life and coping issues, as well as assist you to find clarity in the very things that can be difficult to talk about in our society. Concerns with mental health, questions about alternative relationship structures, recreational and shamanic use of psychedelic medicines, confusion around trauma, grief, loss, death and dying, as well as spiritual and existential concerns all reflect the full scope of her primary focus and expertise.

Tarzie offers individual counselling sessions for clients in any area across Canada, via video conferencing / Skype sessions.

She is also available for one-on-one mentoring  for individuals interested in gaining skills in psychedelic-informed therapy and integration work.

As well, she offers workshops, presentations and training events tailor-made to specific events and groups. To find out about upcoming opportunities as well as past offerings, click here. 

Counselling sessions are available on weekday evenings as well as occasional daytimes.

Fees are $150 per hour for a 60 minute session.

If you are interested in finding out more, or would like to set up your first session, the first step is to book an intake phone call with Tarzie at no charge. To link to a contact page, click here.